Thursday, May 21, 2009

What's blooming on the hill right now?

Echinacea pallida, Pale coneflower
Just inside the gate with the late afternoon sun shining through them.

Asclepias tuberosa, Butterflyweed. Very popular with all the butterflies for nectar. An elderly lady, long since gone that Terry and I met when we first joined our church asked us to come over and see a wildflower in her yard that she called "chiggerbush." It was this plant, and it is a good name for it. The blooms are always covered with tiny insects.

Erythrina herbacea, Mamou, or Coral Bean. Lovely native legume with red flowers that is popular with hummingbirds.

Callirhoe papaver
, Winecup or Poppy Mallow is in the hibiscus family. There are some blooming near the pale coneflowers inside the gate, and there will be lots more in front of the Visitors Center if the deer will leave them alone.

1 comment:

Yardflower said...

Nice pictures, Beth.